Resource Center, San Diego City College, 1313 Park Blvd., San Diego
The memorial will be located in the Resource Center.
Wounded Warrior Battalion, MCCS Camp Pendleton, Oceanside
The location on base has changed from the Pacific Views Event Center to the Wounded Warrior Battalion - Rotunda Building #27847 (West).
Hours available:
July 31 - 1200-1700
August 1-3 - 0730-1700
August 4 - 0730-1500
CANCELLED - Marine Corps Base Museum, Camp Pendleton
We hope to re-schedule for another date. So sorry for any disappointment or inconvenience this may cause.
Las Positas College, Livermore
The memorial will be in Building 1700, Room 1726
Hours: Mon-Fri 10am-6pm; Saturday 10am-3pm
Opening Ceremony for Gold Star family members - May 3 @ 10am - Bldg 1700, Rm 1726
SITE CHANGE: Now at: 1520 Marion Street, Kingsburg
Please note the starting date change of April 7 from April 6.
Fri, April 7: 5-7pm
Sat, April 8: 9-5pm
Sun, April 9: 9-5pm
Mon, Apr 10: 10-5pm
Tues, Wed, Thurs, April 11, 12, 13: 10-6pm
Fri, Apr 14: 10-8pm
Sat, Apr 15: 8-5pm
Easter, Apr 16: 10-4pm
Massing of the Colors Celebration, 6300 Forest Lawn Dr., Los Angeles
Massing of the Colors & Salute to Our Armed Forces
Largest celebration of its kind in the western US, it is the 35th annual celebration of George Washington's birth sponsored by the Sons of Liberty Chapter, Sons of the American Revolution.
More information:
Abel Maldonado Community Youth Center, Santa Maria
Free admission; Hours:
December 3-4: Noon-4pm
Dec 5-6: 9am-1pm & 4pm-7pm
Dec 7: 8am-5pm (Includes ceremony at 10am)
Dec 8: 9am-1pm & 4pm-7pm
The December 7th ceremony (10am) will recognize the 75th anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor, 50th anniversary of the Vietnam War, and the 15th anniversary of the September 11 attacks. The ceremony will be held at the Freedom Monument Veterans Memorial outside the Youth Center.
Charles Schwab, Inc., San Francisco
The memorial will not be open to the public, as the building is secured.
Roseville Public Library, Roseville, CA
Library Hours: Mon-Wed 10am-7pm; Thurs-Sat 10am-5:00pm; Sundays Closed
Tuesday, Nov 1st - the Library will be closed to the public for a ceremony (invitation only) from 10am-Noon. Library will be open to the public Noon-7pm.