State-Specific Memorials

Our mission began by creating state-specific memorials, of which 19 have been completed, representing 60% of our country's Fallen.   We thank Bellevue University of Bellevue, Nebraska for sponsoring these 19 state memorials, now traveling to indoor venues within their respective states.  If you are interested in bringing one of these memorials to your community, please check the schedule on the Tour Page for your state.  Please contact us if you do not see your state listed, but would like to help make that possible by assisting us in getting it completed.

                 host Your State's Memorial

                                                      (Must be an Indoor Venue)      

   Thank you to Bellevue University for Sponsoring these State-Specific Memorials.

don't see your state?

      Like most non-profits, funding is our primary limitation.  Most state memorials are sponsored, and the sponsors receive recognition and gratitude during opening ceremonies, as well as possible logo placement on the memorial.  If you are         interested in sponsoring a statewide memorial, we'd love to hear from you and look forward to discussing opportunities!  If funding can be secured, we will work to complete a memorial for your state.    

In the meantime, please see how you can get involved to help. 

Or, find out where we've been over the years!